
Sunday, October 14, 2012

It's a boy!

Well...this came as quite a surprise! On Friday October 12, 2013 (15w1d) Tyler and I were at the car dealership looking to trade in the Fusion. I excused myself to the bathroom for only about the eighth time that day, lol. I went pee as usual but this time I noticed blood in the toilet. I freaked out and walked out to the showroom and told Tyler. I called my OB on call and was told that he/she would call me back but they never did. I didn't waste any time at all and we went straight to the E.R. After checking in, they didn't even have me sit in the waiting room. They took me to a room and did my vitals. Then they led me to a room where they performed an ultrasound. Thankfully, baby was just fine. Baby was sucking its thumb, rubbing its little face, and even had the hiccups. Heart beat was at 134bpm and everything looked great! I wasn't supposed to find out the gender until November 1st, but Tyler immediately burst out and said, "Can you see what it is?" The little pumpkin had its legs crossed so the lady performing the ultrasound had me roll over on my side. After I did that, baby uncrossed its legs and there, plain as day, was a little wee-wee. LOL! After 4 hours of sitting and waiting, the doctor concluded that it was either a cyst on my uterus that popped OR that it could have been hemorrhaging from where the placenta connects to the uterus. Either way, he said that it was nothing to worry about and that everything was fine! 

So now, come April 4, 2013, we will be welcoming baby Mark Tyler Korell, Jr! 


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